Tag Archives: Shadowgrounds

Frozenbyte Summer Seal. Chance to Win Games or Coupons

Earlier today Frozenbyte (Trine, Splot, Shadowgrounds, etc) announced their Summer Seal. They are giving away thousands of Steam keys and coupons for Shadowgrounds, Shadowgrounds Survivor and Trine, as well as Trine 2. Unfortunately, the giveaway was more popular than they thought and the Summer Seal page has a message that says it will be back… Read More »

Frozenbyte Complete Collection 85% off-Steam Midweek Madness

A Steam Midweek Madness deal is up and the Frozenbyte complete collection is on sale for 85% off. It comes with 3 games: Trine, Shadowgrounds, and Shadowgrounds Survivor. This is pretty much the same thing as the Humble Frozenbyte Bundle except it’s missing the Jack Claw tech demo, and Splot. Frozenbyte Complete Collection = $4.50… Read More »

Humble Frozenbyte Bundle. ~4 days left. Pay what you want

Just a reminder but the Humble Frozenbyte Bundle deal is still going on. You pay what you want for the collection of games and you can split the money between Frozenbyte, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, or the Child’s Play Charity, (and tip the Humble Bundle). In exchange you get the following games: – Trine –… Read More »