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If you haven’t seen the trailer for FarCry 3: Blood Dragon, definitely watch it. It’s an 80’s style standalone expansion. Looks pretty awesome. (Update: Here’s a gameply video if you’re interested. Will obviously contain spoilers!) If you use the 20% off coupon at GameFly / GameFly UK, you can pick it up for $11.99. It requires UPlay and the release date is May 1, 2013. There’s actually two versions of UPlay. There’s the client application that comes along with the UPlay store ala Steam. There’s also a standalone that’s bundled with games used as DRM only.
The 20% off coupon code is:
GFDAPR20 – for the US site.
GFDAPR20UK – for the UK site.
There’s also an Indie Weekend Sale going on. Indie games on sale for up to 75% off.
Prices below are BEFORE the 20% off coupon:
Dungeon Defenders = $3.75 (Steam)
Torchlight II = $9.99 (Steam)
Sine Mora = $2.49 (Steam)
Hotline Miami = $4.99 (Steam)
Gratuitous Space Battles = $5.99
Space Pirates and Zombies = $2.49
Ravaged = $2.49 (Steam)
Symphony = $3.40
Forge = $4.99 (Steam)
Blood Dragon looks like all sorts of awesome!! Thanks for the constant updates as usual