EA Games on sale at GMG. Up to 75% off

By | February 5, 2013

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EA Games are the Mid-Week Sale at GMG. Up to 75% off.

Mass Effect Trilogy = $29.99
Alice: Madness Returns = $9.99
Bulletstorm = $4.99
Burnout Paradise Ultimate Box = $9.99
Command & Conquer: Red Alert 3 = $9.99
Crysis 2: Maximum Edition = $9.99
Dead Space = $9.99
Dead Space 2 = $4.99
FIFA 13 = $15.99
Mass Effect 3: N7 Digital Deluxe Edition = $14.99
The Sims 3 = $14.99
Dragon Age 2 = $9.99
Kingdoms of Amalur – Reckoning = $11.99
Bejeweled 3 = $9.99
Need For Speed: Most Wanted = $24.99
Shank 2 = $4.99
Syndicate = $9.99
Warp = $4.99
Command & Conquer: Tiberian Twighlight = $9.99
The Sims 3: Pets = $9.99
The Sims 3: Supernatural = $14.99
Medal of Honor Warfighter = $29.99

It appears all the EA games require Origin.

Click here to see the EA games on sale at GMG.

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