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The sales for the week of 4/9 are up at GamersGate / GamersGate UK.
Some of the deals are:
Cities in Motion Collection = $13.58 / £10.18
Red Faction: Armageddon = $6.78 / £5.08 – Activates on Steam.
King’s Bounty Platinum = $10.49 / £8.99
Reign: Conflict of Nations = $6 / £4.50
Men of War = $4.49 / £3.89
Pathologic = $2.99 / £2.39
Cryostasis and Necrovision Double Pack = $4.50 / £4.50
Theatre of War Collection Pack = $13.49 / £10.49
Fantasy Wars = $2.99 / £2.39
Men of War: Collector Pack = $18 / £15.00
1C Complete Pack = $20.92 / £17.04
Red Faction = $3.38 / £1.68
Star Wolves = $3 / £2.40
Death to Spies Gold Edition = $5.99 / £5.99
Dawn of Magic = $5.99 / £4.50
UFO: Afterlight = $4.50 / £4.05
Spells of Gold = $2.99 / £2.39
Red Faction Complete Pack = $7.49 / £5.99
Space Ranger Complete Pack = $9.00 / £5.99
Star Wolves 1 – 3 Bundle = $13.49 / £11.37
1C Racing Mega Pack = $5.99 / £4.49
1C RPG Pack = $23.99 / £23.99
1C Space Strategy Pack = $14.99 / £14.99
1C Strategy Pack = $23.99 / £17.99
Men of War: Assault Squad / Vietnam = $17.99 / £14.99
Click here to see the rest of the games on sale for the week of 4/9 at:
GamersGate US
GamersGate UK