Possibly 50% off Skyrim at Green Man Gaming, Tomorrow?

By | January 30, 2012

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Green Man Gaming (GMG) wants more people to “Like” their Facebook page, so they’re doing a special promo. If enough people like their Facebook page by 1200 GMT tomorrow they’ll re-run their 50% off Skyrim deal.

Skyrim is $59.99 so the game would be about $30. The game uses Steamworks, so no matter where you buy it from you’ll have to activate it on Steam anyway.

I’m not sure how many likes are required and not sure how long or when the deal would run.

Off topic but I ordered some Rome 390 Boss bindings for my board o_O. Can’t stop buying new gear. I was thinking about picking up some Union Forces but I have some Datas on my Pickle already and they kind of fell apart in the rain the other day. Thought I’d try something new. Got them for $183! Stoked! (If  I actually get them lol.)

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