25% off Voucher for Unreleased Titles at Green Man Gaming

By | January 19, 2012

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Green Man Gaming (GMG) has put out a new voucher code good for 25% off any unreleased game at their store. Unfortunately, there’s no easy way to find out just what’s available for pre-order.

The voucher code is: CUSTO-MERLO-YALTY

So far the games I’ve found that it works on are:

The Darkness II Limited Edition = $37.50 (Requires Steam)
King Arthur II The Role-playing Wargame = $30.00 (Not sure what DRM it will use)

GMG doesn’t have an EA distribution deal in the US yet but they do have one in the UK. So Syndicate (Requires Origin) looks like a possible pre-order deal for UK folks.

Update: This is their list of upcoming games (for your region). Europe has Mass Effect 3 for €31.71 for example.

Click here to see the current pre-order deals at Green Man Gaming.

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