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Day 12 (12/30) deals of the Steam Holiday Sale 2011 are up.
This post will be updated as I get more info.
Daily Deals
– Civilization V: Game of the Year Edition = $16.99 (66% off)
– Civilization V = $10.19 (66% off)
– Civilization DLC = $1.69 – $2.54 each (66% off)
– Civilization V: Cradle of Civilization – DLC Bundle = $3.39 (66% off)
– Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3 = $4.99 (75% off)
– Command and Conquer: Red Alert 3 – Uprising = $4.99 (75% off)
– Command & Conquer 4: Tiberian Twilight = $4.99 (75% off)
– Command & Conquer 3: Kane’s Wrath = $4.99 (75% off)
– Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars = $7.49 (75% off)
– Deus Ex: Human Revolution = $16.99 (66% off)
– Deus Ex: HR Augmented Edition = $20.39 (66% off)
– Deus Ex: Human Revolution – The Missing Link = $5.09 (66% off)
– Deus Ex: Human Revlution – Tactical Enhancement + Explosive Mission Bundle = $1.35 (66% off)
– Deus Ex: HR – Tactical Enhancement = $0.67 (66% off)
– Deus Ex: HR – Explosive Mission Pack DLC = $1.01 (66% off)
– Driver: San Francisco = $24.99 (50% off)
– Fallout: New Vegas = $4.99 (75% off)
– Fallout: New Vegas DLC = $0.49 – $2.49 each (75% off)
– Grand Theft Auto Complete Pack = $12.49 (75% off)
– Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete Edition = $9.99 (75% off)
– GTA 3 – GTA IV = 2.49 – $7.49 each (75% off)
– Magic: The Gathering – Duels of the Planewalkers 2012 = $3.99 (60% off)
– Puzzle Agent = $1.24 (75% off)
– Puzzle Agent 2 = $2.49 (75% off)
– SpaceChem = $2.49 (75% off)
– Super Meat Boy = $3.74 (75% off)
– The Chronicles of Riddick: Assault on Dark Athena = $4.99 (75% off)
– Universe Sandbox = $2.49 (75% off)
Hidden Daily Deals:
Side Deals (games to pick up if they don’t go up as a daily deal):
– Garry’s Mod = $2.50 | £1.49 | 2,50€
– Velvet Assassin = $2.49 | £1.24 | 1,24€
– Nation Red=$2.49 | £1.99 | 2,24€
– Sol Survivor = $2.49 | £1.99 | 2,24€
Publisher Packs & Bundles
– Awesome Indie Bundle = $19.99 | £13.50 | 18,–€ (78% off)
– Mega Indie Bundle = $19.99 | £14 | 18,–€ (79% off)
– Super Indie Bundle = $19.99 | £14.50 | 19,–€ (77% off)
– 1C Complete Pack = $59.99 | £53.99 | 59.99€ (91% off)
– 2K Complete Pack = $74.99 | £39.99 | 74.99€ (86% off)
– Bethesda Holiday Collection = $74.99 | £39.99 | 74.99€ 66% off)
– Codemasters Complete Pack = $74.99 | £39.99 | 74.99€ (77% off)
– id Complete Pack = $44.99 | £29.99 | 44.99€ (83% off)
– Kalypso Complete Pack = $69.99 | £52.99 | 64.99€ (84% off)
– Meridian 4 Complete Pack = $49.99 | £37.49 | 44.99€ (79% off)
– MumboJumbo Complete Pack = $29.99 | £16.49 | 29.99€ (85% off)
– Paradox Complete Pack = $74.99 | £49.99 | 74.99€ (90% off)
– PopCap Complete Pack = $49.99 | £39.99 | 49.99€ (86% off)
– Rockstar Complete Pack = $64.99 | £49.99 | 64.99€ (66% off)
– Sega Complete Pack = $99.99 | £69.99 | 90€ (83% off)
– Star Wars Collection = $59.99 | £41.99 | 54€ (75% off)
– Strategy First Complete Pack = $79.99 | £64.99 | 75€ (83% off)
– Square Enix Complete Pack = $99.99 | £59.99 (86% off)
– Telltale Complete Pack = $69.99 | £52.99 | 70€ (75% off)
– THQ Hit Collection = $74.99 | £49.99 | 75€ (81% off)
– Ubisoft Holiday Collection = $69.99 | £49.99 | 70€ (77% off)
– Valve Complete Pack = $49.99 | £24.99 (75% off)
– Warner Bros. Complete Pack = $74.99 | £39.99 | 75€ (81% off) – This was removed because it was too awesome?
Steam Holiday Pro Tip
If you’re new to the Steam Holiday sales, there’s an important thing to remember. There will be tons of games on sale throughout the sale. However, every day there will be a limited number of games listed as daily deals that come with deep discounts. So, the secret is to wait and see if the game(s) you want to buy pops up as a daily deal. If it doesn’t you just buy it during the last day of the sale, which is usually a repeat day. The repeat day is when they re-list a selection of the daily deals again.
Sale runs from December 19th – January 1st
The Great Gift Pile:
1. Play games and complete objectives announced each day.
2. When you do, you’ll either get a gift from the Great Gift Pile or a lump of coal.
3. If you get coal, you can either craft it into a gift from the Great Gift Pile or save your coal up as entries into the Epic Holiday Giveaway on Jan 2nd
- This is a good wiki to use, if you’re looking for guides on the achievements for the Great Gift Pile. Steam forums for each game is another good place to look for help.
- Leaked list of all the objectives.
- List of confirmed gifts that have been received.
Today’s objectives are:
1. Day of Defeat: Source = Valve Gift Grab 2011 – DoD:S – Collect three gifts dropped by opponents.
2. Super Meat Boy = The Golden Gift! – Complete all levels in “The Kids Xmas” chapter in super meat world IN ONE PLAY SESSION.
3. Universe Sandbox = Snowball Earth – Freeze the Earth by moving it further from the Sun
4. SpaceChem = Polar Expedition – Reach the south pole of Sernimir IV.
5. Puzzle Agent 2 = Christmas Tree Census – Spend over $202,259 of taxpayer dollars; The number of Christmas trees cut in Minnesota in 2007 (source: USDA).
6. Flight Control HD = Snowball – Land 5 helicopters in a row on the Windy airfield
Steam Wallet
If you plan on making a lot of purchases, add some money to your Steam Wallet ahead of time, so your credit card doesn’t get falsely flagged for fraud.
Amazon has been pricematching the deals from the sale so this is a great place to check in case you miss a deal or want to use some store credit up. If their prices drop, you might be able to email support and ask for a price adjustment.
Wallpaper – Every Day there’s a new background image
The wallpaper for Day 12 (12/29).
Wallpaper for Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6 | Day 7 | Day 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | Day 11
Previous Deals
Click here to see the deals for Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 | Day 4 | Day 5 | Day 6, 7, and 8 | Day 9 | Day 10 | Day 11