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Get Games posted a teaser on their Facebook page about this. On 12/14 there’s a new indie game bundle started by UK indie developers called the Little BIG Bunch that runs until 1/2.
The bundle will be similar to the Humble Bundle and you can donate a portion of your purchase price to charity (GamesAid).
It will come with the following games (no idea if they can be Steam activated or not):
- Frozen Synapse (which was in the previous Humble Bundle)
- Explodemon – This game looks pretty awesome.
- Serious Sam: Double D
- New Star Soccer 5 (not sure about this but the official website for the game says it’s free to play?)
- Oddworld: Munch’s Oddysee (not an indie game?) – This has been part of the Oddboxx, which has been real cheap in the past.
Their domain, littlebigbunch.com has been registered but the site won’t be live until the bundle deal is live. Should be any time soon. (edit: actual url is http://www.getgamesgo.com/little-big-bunch)