Men of War Red Tide Free at Green Man Gaming

By | November 5, 2011

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Thanks to Jackie for sending this deal over.

Currently you can get Men of War: Red Tide for free at Green Man Gaming.

I’m not really sure why it’s free though. I looked around on their blog and forum but I didn’t see a reason for the promotion?

Even if it’s not something you’d play, I’d pick it up anyway because you might be able to trade it in later for store credit.

EDIT: Now I see it. It’s to celebrate the launch of their store in the Czech Republic.

Welcome GMG in the Czech Republic! We’re celebrating our new launch in Europe with promotional gifts of Men of War: Red Tide for all gamers, and on top of that we’ve got a 15% voucher available for the hottest titles of the month. Check out our site! /James

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