Get Games: Square Enix Classics Sale + More Deals

By | June 10, 2014

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Get Games is running a new sale along with some other random deals.

Square Enix Classics Sale
Anachronox $1.49 (Steam)
Battlestations: Midway $1.74 (Steam)
Battlestations: Pacific $2.24 (Steam)
Blood Omen 2: Legacy of Kain $1.49 (Steam)
Conflict: Denied Ops $1.49 (Steam)
Daikatana $1.49 (Steam)
Deathtrap Dungeon $1.74 (Steam)
Dungeon Siege III $3.74 (Steam)
Just Cause $3.49 (Steam)
Just Cause 2 $7.49 (Steam)
Just Cause 2 – DLC Collection $3.49 (Steam)
Kane and Lynch 2: Dog Days $2.49 (Steam)
Kane and Lynch: Dead Men $1.74 (Steam)
Mini Ninjas $2.49 (Steam)
Order of War $2 (Steam)
Pandemonium $2 (Steam)
Project: Snowblind $1.49 (Steam)
Quantum Conundrum $2.24 (Steam)
Scary Girl $1.74 (Steam)
Startopia $2 (Steam)
Supreme Commander 2 $3.74 (Steam)
Thief II: The Metal Age $1.74 (Steam)
Thief: Deadly Shadows $2.24 (Steam)
Thief: Gold $1.74 (Steam)
Urban Chaos $1.74 (Steam)

Elder Scrolls Online Sale
The Elder Scrolls: Online Imperial Edition $48
The Elder Scrolls: Online $36

Other Deals
Ethan: Meteor Hunter $3.39 (Steam)
Fly’N $5 (Steam)
Gauntlet $16 (Steam)
Gauntlet 4 Pack $48 (Steam)
Handball Challenge 2014 $27.93 (Keycode)
Murdered: Soul Suspect $37.49 (Steam)
Poöf vs The Cursed Kitty $3.49 (Steam)
Puddle $4.49 (steam)
Richard And Alice $3 (Steam)
Sang Froid: Tales Of Werewolves $7.49 (Steam)
Steel & Steam: Episode 1 $6.49 (DRM Free)
Tango Fiesta $9.74 (Steam)
Train Simulator 2014 $16 (Steam)
Train Simulator 2014 DLC 50% off.

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