Steam: Race The Sun $3.39 + Weeklong deals

By | May 20, 2014

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Steam has new deals up for the week.

Daily deal for 5/19/14
Race The Sun $3.39

Weeklong deals
4 Elements $1.49
Bejeweled 2 Deluxe $3.49
Bookworm Deluxe $3.49
Chicken Shoot Gold $1
CT Special Forces $5
Defenders of Ardania $2.49
Disciples 3: Reincarnation $15
Dollar Dash $2.49
Dollar Dash 4-Pack $7.49
Dominions 3: The Awakening $7
Farm Machines Championships 2014 $3.74
Galaxy on Fire 2 Full HD $5
Gumboy Tournament $0.59
Half Minute Hero: Super Mega Neo Climax Ultimate Boy $2
Heli Heroes $1
Hive $8
Hive Complete Pack $12.79
Iesabel $1.49
Imagine Me $5
Ion Assault $2
Jack Orlando: Director’s Cut $1
King’s Bounty: Armored Princess $3.74
King’s Bounty: Crossworlds $3.74
King’s Bounty: Platinum Edition $6.24
King’s Bounty: The Legend $2.49
Larva Mortus $0.49
Little Racers STREET – Four Pack $16.07
Little Racers STREET $5.35
Majesty 2 $2.49
Massive Assault Collection $12.59
MDK2 HD $7.49
Nidhogg $10.04
Nidhogg 2-Pack $18.08
Peggle Complete $6.29
Peggle Deluxe $3.49
Peggle Nights $3.49
Real World Racing $3
Real World Racing 4 Pack $9
Real World Racing Bundle $3.91
Real World Racing: Amsterdam & Oakland $1
Real World Racing: Z $1
Red Faction $2.49
Red Faction 2 $2.49
Red Faction Armageddon Soundtrack $1.24
Red Faction Collection $15
Red Faction Guerrilla $5
Red Faction: Armageddon $5
Red Faction: Armageddon Path to War DLC $1.74
Return to Mysterious Island $5
Return to Mysterious Island 1 & 2 Bundle $7.49
RIP – Trilogy $0.49
Secret Files Franchise Pack $13.59
Soulbringer $5
StarDrive $9
Starpoint Gemini $4.19
Stick it to The Man! $5.09
Sugar Cube: Bittersweet Factory $2.72
Superfrog HD $5
Teslagrad $6.69
Tetrobot and Co. $5
The Book of Legends $6
Theme Park Studio $19.79
Viking: Battle for Asgard $3.74
Waves $2
Worms Ultimate Mayhem – Customization Pack DLC $1.49
Worms Ultimate Mayhem – Deluxe Edition $8.49
Worms Ultimate Mayhem – Multiplayer Pack DLC $1.49

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