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Steam has a number of things going on this weekend.
Daily deal for 5/16/14
Deus Ex: Human Revolution – Director’s Cut $5
Weekend Deals
The Stanley Parable $7.49
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare $6.24
Chivalry: Medieval Warfare 4-pack $18.74
Chivalry: Complete Pack $8.74
Chivalry: Deadliest Warrior $3.74
There’s a free weekend going on for Chivalry. Play the game for free until Sunday 1PM PDT.
Bohemia Interactive Anniversary Sale
ARMA: Cold War Assault $0 – Free until Monday.
Alpha Prime $1
Alternativa $2.59
Arma 3 $36
ARMA II $2.59
ARMA II: Army of the Czech Republic $1.79
ARMA II: British Armed Forces $1.79
ARMA II: Operation Arrowhead $4
ARMA II: Private Military Company $1.79
Arma Tactics $1.79
ARMA: Gold Edition $2
Carrier Command: Gaea Mission $6.59
DayZ $25.49
Fish Fillets 2 $1
Memento Mori $2.59
Memento Mori 2 $20
Original War $1
Pat & Mat $1.39
Pound of Ground $2
Take on Helicopters Bundle $5
Take On Mars $15.29
UFO: Afterlight $1.40
Click here to see the games on sale for the weekend at Steam.