Steam Summer Getaway Sale Day 3 Daily, Flash, & Community’s Deals

By | July 13, 2013

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The Steam Summer Sale Day 3 deals are up. Click here for general info about the sale.

Daily deals for Saturday, 7/13/13:
Age of Empires Legacy Bundle = $17 – includes below:
Age of Empires 2 HD = $10
Age of Empires 3 Complete = $13.59

Borderlands 2 = $10.19
Borderlands 2 DLC 66% off.

Mars War Logs = $10

Might and Magic Heroes 6 Shades of Darkness = $15
Might and Magic Franchise Pack = $33.29
Dark MessiaMight and Magic = $3.39
Might and Magic Heroes 5 = $3.39
Might and Magic Heroes 5 Expansion = $3.39 each
Might and Magic Heroes Clash of Heroes = $3.39
Might and Magic Heroes Clash of Heroes DLC = $1
Might and Magic Heroes 6 = $10.19
Might and Magic Heroes 6 Expansions = $3.39

Resident Evil 5 = $5
Resident Evil 6 = $20
Resident Evil Operation Raccoon City = $7.49

RPG Maker VX Ace = $23.79

Sniper Elite Nazi Zombie Army = $5.09

StarDrive = $10.19

Tomb Raider Collection = $17.49
Tomb Raider 1 = $0.62
Tomb Raider 2 = $0.62
Tomb Raider 3 = $0.62
Tomb Raider 4 = $0.62
Tomb Raider 5 = $0.62
Tomb Raider 6 = $0.62
Tomb Raider Legend = $1.74
Tomb Raider Anniversary = $0.80
Tomb Raider Underworld = $0.80
Tomb Raider = $12.49
Tomb Raider DLC 75% off.

The Witcher = $2.49
The Witcher 2 = $5


Flash Deals:
End at 9pm EST

Battlefield Bad Company 2  = $6
Battlefield Bad Company 2 Vietnam = $4.49

Blood Bowl Chaos Edition = $7.49

Kinetic Void = $6.79

LA Noire Complete = $7.49 – includes below:
LA Noire = $5
LA Noire DLC = $3


Community’s Choice:
Sale ends at 9pm EST

Hitman Collection = $11.24
Hitman Codename 47 = $4.49
Hitman 2 = $1.74
Hitman Blood Money = $4.49
Hitman: Absolution = $6.24
Hitman: Absolution DLC 75% off.

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