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The weekly sale is up at GameFly / GameFly UK. Paradox Games are on sale for up to 75% off. Deal ends on Thursday.
Victoria II = $4.99
Mount and Blade: Warband = $4.99
Mount and Blade: With Fire and Sword = $2.49
Crusader Kings II = $9.99 – Steamworks
Commander: Conquest of the Americas = $7.49
Europa Universalis III Chronicles = $7.49
Mount and Blade Warband: Napoleonic Wars = $2.49
Cities in Motion = $4.99
Hearts of Iron III Collection= $7.49
King Arthur Collection = $6.25
Warlock: Master of the Arcane = $4.99 – Steamworks
Majesty 2: Collection = $7.49
Magicka Collection Edition = $6.25 – Steamworks
See the Paradox games on sale at: GameFly / GameFly UK