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12 FPS Games are on sale for 50% off each as the GOG Weekend Promo.
– Unreal Gold = $4.99
– Unreal 2: The Awakening SE = $4.99
– Unreal Tournament 2004 ECE = $4.99
– Unreal Tournament GOTY = $4.99
– Blood (One Unit Whole Blood) = $2.99
– Blood 2: The Chosen + Expansion = $2.99
– Far Cry = $4.99
– Far Cry 2: Fortune’s Edition = $4.99
– Duke Nukem 3D: Atomic Edition= $2.99
– XIII = $2.99
– POSTAL: Classic and Uncut = $2.99
– POSTAL 2 Complete = $4.99
Hmm, they should bring back the Blood series. Great games.
The weekend promo ends on Tuesday, August 21 at 03:59 AM GMT