Steam; Dungeon Defenders Midweek Madness Deal, 66% off

By | July 11, 2012

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Dungeon Defenders and it’s million DLCs are on sale for 66% off as the Steam Midweek Madness Deal.

In addition the game now works with the Steam Workshop. There’s a demo available for the game. It has an 81/100 metascore.

  • Dungeon Defenders = $5.09 / £3.39 / €4.07
  • Dungeon Defenders 4-Pack = $15.29 / £10.19 / €11.89
  • Dungeon Defenders Lost Eternia Shards Complete DLC= $12.99 / £9.99 / €11.99
    • Comes with Dungeon Defenders – Quest for the Lost Eternia Shards Part 1, Dungeon Defenders – Quest for the Lost Eternia Shards Part 2, Dungeon Defenders: Quest for the Lost Eternia Shards Part 3, Dungeon Defenders – Quest for the Lost Eternia Shards Part 4, Dungeon Defenders: Assault Mission Pack, Dungeon Defenders – Karathiki Jungle Mission Pack

A bunch of the DLC for the game is also on sale for 66% off. Personally I think the game is fun but it gets pretty grindy. It’s really gear dependent at the higher levels also. Definitely a game that is meant to be played co-op IMHO.

The Midweek Madness deal ends on Thursday.



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