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Supreme Commander 2 is on sale for 75% off as the Square Enix daily deal at GamersGate / GamersGate UK. In addition Dragon Age Games are on sale for the EA sale.
Square Enix Sale
- Supreme Commander 2 = $3.75 / £2.49 – Uses Steamworks
EA Sale – Most likely US only
- Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition = $8.99 / £3.75 (PC)
- Dragon Age Origins Ultimate Edition = $11.99 (Mac)
- Dragon Age: Origins Awakening = $4.99 (PC or Mac)
- Dragon Age: Origins Digital Deluxe = $9.99
- Dragon Age: Origins = $4.99
- Dragon Age 2 = $9.00 (PC or Mac)
The dragon age games should activate on Origin.
See the current game deals at GamersGate / GamersGate UK.