StarCraft II $39.99 (33% off) Direct Download from Blizzard

By | June 7, 2012

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For this weekend only, you can pick up StarCraft II for only $39.99 (33% off). This is for the direct download. It’s a promo to celebrate the start of the SC NA Championships. Read more about it at the official SC blog here.

The SC2 offer ends June 13, 2012 at 11:59 p.m. Pacific Time.

Off topic but I’ve putting a ton of hours into Diablo III. Right now I have a level 60 Witchdoctor glass cannon and a level 50 Demonhunter glass cannon. Some random level 10s thrown in a level 12 hardcore female barb. I’m pretty sure it’s a dude that looks like a lady though…

There’s actually a way to get D3 for cheap off a Russian site, but I’m not really sure how legit it is and I don’t want anyone to get banhammered by Blizzard so just google for the deal if you’re interested.

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