Pre-order Diablo III for $49.99 at Newegg (Boxed Copy)

By | April 17, 2012

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This site focuses on Digital Game Deals and my brother or I usually posts physical games on the Video Game section (although that’s been neglected).

Anyway, Diablo III is a pretty special game and there’s only one way to get it digitally so here’s a pretty good deal on a boxed copy pre-order at Newegg. Keep in mind that Newegg does not have release date shipping for this item. So you’ll have to wait a few days before you play.

Use the coupon code EMCNFJC22 to get $10 off, which makes it $49.99.

I believe you have to sign in to your Newegg account to see the discount and Shoprunner will not work on the game.

3 thoughts on “Pre-order Diablo III for $49.99 at Newegg (Boxed Copy)

    1. w00py Post author

      Yeah looks like Newegg shut the code down some time yesterday. Reactivated for about an hour today and then sold out.

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