Indie Royale April Fools Bundle up for Pre-order

By | April 4, 2012

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Indie Royale has the April Fools Bundle up for Pre-order at their site for $3.99. Here’s the tip for the games in the bundle.

Headlining the bundle in an acclaimed tower-defense game with a free built-in expansion (for Windows on Steam, Desura, and DRM-free). Featured alongside it is a retro turn-based dungeon crawler (for Windows and Mac in a Steam debut, Windows and Linux on Desura, and Windows/Mac/Linux DRM-free), a pair of titles from the same developer spanning platformer shooter and horizontal shmup (for Windows on Steam, Desura, and DRM-free), and an incendiary 2D action platformer (for Windows on Desura and DRM-free).

Those who pre-order the April Fools Bundle receive an awesome vocoder-heavy bonus: Sexy Synthesizer’s Japanese ’80s-style chip album Rock: Deluxe Edition, available in .FLAC and HQ .MP3 file formats. Those who pay over the minimum while the bundle is live will also receive the bonus.

Possible titles are:

How the Indie Royale deals work:
– Bundles are (usually) available as a pre-order at first for a minimum of $3.99.
– Once the actual deal goes live it starts out at a miminum of $3.99.
– For every purchase the price of the bundle goes up by $0.01.
– If someone purchases the bundle for more than the current price, the starting cost of the bundle goes down

The Indie Royale April Fools Bundle will be up for sale within a few days or so.

Click here to see the pre-order deal on the Indie Royale April Fools Bundle.

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