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A Call of Duty: Modern Warefare 3 Steam Free Weekend starts on Thursday, April 26th at 10am Pacific Time. You can start pre-loading the game now.
You’ll be able to play the multiplayer portion of the game all you want for free until Sunday.
Usually these are accompanied with a sale on the game. I’m going to guess at least 33% off. This is a good chance to try the game out.
This game has a 78 metascore.
Click here to read more about the Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Steam Free Weekend.
I think you should include the fact that while it has a metascore of of 78/100, it gets a userscore of 22/100. I bought this game on sale months ago to play with friends and loathe the game. I mean, sure its fun to play when you do well, but 7/10 me and my friends are swearing at all the insane gun combinations that give you the impression that it took 1-2 bullets to kill you. Also, when playing around with the graphics options at 1680×1050, the game looked like garbage below high graphics settings.
(Note, this is just my personal opinion, I’m sure there are people out there who like the game.)
For some reason the COD franchise never gets discounted like the other ones. Its a shame really, haven’t gotten around to playing MW3 yet but from everything i’ve read its not really different enough from the others to justify the price