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It looks like there’s a sale on “Quest” games at GameStop Impulse along with some other random deals. The Daily deal for 2/29 is Titan Quest Gold at 75% off.
- Titan Quest Gold = $5
- Sam & Max: Season 1 = $20
- Sam & Max: Season 2 = $20
- Caesar III & Caesar IV Bundle = $10
- Activision Quest Bundle = $30 – Comes with the following, which are also on sale seperately:
- – King’s Quest Collection = $10
- – Space Quest Collection = $10
- – Police Quest Collection = $10
- Cities in Motion Collection = $14
- Cities in Motion = $7
- Sci-fi Bundle = $5 – Comes with the following:
- – AquaNox
- – AquaNox 2: Revelation
- – Chaser
- – SpaceForce Rogue Universe
- – Genesis Rising: The Universal Crusade
- Caesar III = $5
- Caesar IV = $5
Click here to see the current game deals at GameStop Impulse.