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Ship Simulator Extremes is on sale for 75% off as the Steam Daily Deal for 1/19. Sonic Generations is on sale for 50% off as the Steam Weekend Deal.
UPDATE: Looks like the Weekend deal is on Sonic Games in general. Not just Generations.
Daily Deal
- Ship Simulator Extremes = $7.49 / £4.99 / 7,49€
- 49/100 metascore.
- Demo is available.
- DLC for the game is also on sale for 60% off.
Sonic Games on sale for the Weekend Deal.
- Sonic Generations = $14.99 / £9.99 / 14,99€
- 82/100 metascore.
- Demo is available.
- Deal ends on January 23rd.
- Sonic Adventure DX = $4.49 / £2.99 / €4.99
- Sonic the Hedgehog = $2.49 / £1.99 / €2.24
- Sonic the Hedgehog 2 = $2.49 / £1.99 / €2.24
- Sonic 3 and Knuckles = $2.49 / £1.99 / €2.24
- Sonic Spinball = $2.49 / £1.99 / €2.24
- Sonic 3D Blast = $2.49 / £1.99 / €2.24
- Sonic & Sega All Star Racing = $4.99 / £3.74 / €4.99
Surprised they don’t have Sonic CD on there. That’s supposed to be one of the best in the series. I remember reading about it in Gamepro/EGM.