Double Blue Coins Weekend at GamersGate. Requires Facebook

By | January 13, 2012

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GamersGate / GamersGate UK has reached 10,000 Likes to their Facebook page.

To celebrate their holding their first ever Double Blue Coins Weekend.

Basically, you’re getting back 10% on every purchase you make in the form of blue coins.

Well we made it to 10,000 :D To celebrate this we’re going to do our first-ever Double Blue Coins Weekend!! – just like classic gaming double xp weekend, except better!

This means that if you purchase anything on GamersGate (except Blue Coins) you will get 10% of your purchase returned instantly in our virtual currency. Remember, this counts even if the product you’re buying is already discounted!

Naturally we’re starting early so this is active right now, and will last until… Let’s say Monday morning CET.

Details: to be eligible for this deal, make sure your GamersGate account is connected to Facebook. You can do this easily under “Account Settings” when logged into GamersGate. We will never post anything on your Facebook or do any other wierd stuff, because that’s not cool. On the plus side, you can easily “like” stuff on GamersGate and you can find your Facebook friends on our site (assuming they’re connected too).

GamersGate US
Gamersgate UK

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