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The next Indie Royale indie game bundle is set to start sometime after Thanksgiving. They’ve changed things up a little bit and now they’re giving you a chance to pre-order the bundle in case you can’t be at your computer when the deal goes live.
Also, it’s to help alleviate some of the server issues that they have whenever the bundles go on sale. Last time their servers went down constantly.
- We’ll be removing a strict schedule of one Indie Royale bundle every two weeks. You can still sign up or follow us to find out when the bundle goes live. And we won’t be changing our general concept and list of upcoming bundles. But we’re continuing to target the near-term for the next Really Big Bundle, which will now launch next week after the U.S. Thanksgiving holiday.
- We now realize (and our smouldering servers agree!) that there are a lot of people who are waiting when the next Indie Royale bundle launches. In many cases, you may be reloading patiently to buy it almost no matter what, since it’s such good value for money. So we’re now opening pre-orders for the next Indie Royale bundle, at a recommended contribution of USD $5 but a minimum price of USD $3.99 (current and future Indie Royale bundles will launch at an initial live minimum of $2.99.)
- Why do pre-orders? We know that you’re all busy people, and you may actually not be on the Internet (?!) the second it launches. So it’s a simple way to guarantee you get the Bundle, albeit sight unseen. This means that you won’t know what games are in the bundle until it launches. But you are guaranteed to get the bundle at a low minimum price, and you will be supporting hand-picked, high quality independent games along the way.
(We guarantee at least four different games for each bundle, all of them playable on Windows PC in some form. Additional games and formats may – or may not – be supported! And of course, you can just wait for your email/Tweet/Facebook message that the Bundle has gone live and go pick it up then, if you’re signed up with us.)
Their bundles have been great. Really liked the Sanctum bundle (although I had the game already). Great way to boost your Steam library too :P. There’s no indication that the games will or will not activate on Steam for this upcoming bundle so if that’s your main selling point, then definitely wait until the bundle goes live. I’d sign up for their newsletter so you can get in early though.
Click here to see more info on the Really Big Bundle from Indie Royale.
I think the preorder thing is a good idea, but not knowing what games… I just can’t buy sight-unseen. There’s a really good chance I own ALL of them already.
LOL, I actually didn’t think about that. Very good point!