Memoir ’44 Online, Free to Play, Steam. Turn Based War Game

By | October 13, 2011

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Memoir ’44 Online is the latest free to play game on Steam. It’s a multiplayer turned base war game.

Download and try the game out for free! When you first enroll and download the game, your account will be automatically credited with 50 Free Gold Ingots (Memoir ’44 in-game currency). That is enough for hours upon hours of free play in dozens of hard-fought battles. Once you start progressing through the ranks (typically by around the time you make it to First Lieutenant), you will be offered the opportunity to purchase a variety of Gold Ingot packages that fit all play styles and budgets, with some starting as low as $5, using your Steam Wallet.

So, this makes me wonder if it’s actually F2P or is just part of the game F2P?

Edit: Saw this on the Memoir ’44 forums. Looks like the game isn’t really F2P.

You are correct. It is not strictly Free to Play, but rather Free to download and play until you run out of your initial 50 Gold Ingots.

Unfortunately there is no Game category that precisely covers this type of offer on Steam. That is why we devoted a whole paragraph to describe this on the About the Game section of the Game’s description on Steam.

But try it out and see for yourself. 50 Gold Ingots should be plenty enough to help you decide whether this is something you might like and want to spend some money on (or not!).

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