20% – 30% off Pre-orders at Amazon. Battlefield 3 on sale

By | October 11, 2011

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Pre-orders on Digital Games at Amazon are now 20% – 30% off:

See the rest of the pre-order deals here.

5 thoughts on “20% – 30% off Pre-orders at Amazon. Battlefield 3 on sale

    1. Vladdy

      Amazon is easy to bypass tho.. just set your primary address as a legit US address (even if its fake), and use one of the states that has no sales tax.. eg Alaska, Delaware, Montana, New Hampshire, and Oregon.

      1. forest

        How since you can only pre-order through credit card? Since the billing address won’t match will it still go through?

          1. Flash

            I have also heard this but never had any success myself. I am perhaps missing a key step, anyone point to a guide?   I heard that amazon just gives you a code to activate on origin which would bypass any region issues with Amazons download service…

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