Origin Birthday Promo Code Trick Step by Step

By | September 14, 2011

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This is a step by step guide on getting an EA Origin Birthday Promo code. You can view the original post which explains a little bit more including the Gmail email address trick and more.

ea origin

1) First, sign up for a new account by selecting the REGISTER link at the Origin Store website.

origin birthday promo code - sign up

2) Next, enter an email address for your “New” EA Origin account and select the “Start my EA Profile” button.

origin birthday promo code - email

3) Take a note of the current date and time. The Origin store is based on PST and I’ve noticed as long as it’s around 24 hours or so you can select the following day as your “birthday”. Just to be safe you can enter in a date a couple of days in the future. In this case, it was 1:54 AM EST on 9/14. So in this case I’m going to enter in 9/15 as my date of birth.

origin birthday promo code - current time

4) Complete the sign up form. I usually enter in 1980 as my year of birth. I’m not sure if it matters. Just make sure it’s at least 18 years to be safe. I’m not sure what the minimum age requirement is for an EA account. Make sure to select the option that says “Contact me about EA’s products, news, events and promotions.” If you don’t do this, you probably won’t get a promo code, so make sure to check the box.

5) Select the “Done” button to complete the sign-up process.

origin birthday promo code  - sign up form

6) Check your email, and you should see an email that looks like the following. It usually comes in a minute or two for me. If you don’t see it, check your Spam folder!

origin birthday promo code - check email

7) This next step is optional, but you might have more success if you Verify your email address. You can do this by going to https://www.ea.com/profile/ and selecting the “Verify your email address” link. (Note: I never verified my email address and still received promo codes.)

origin birthday promo code - verify account

8) Check your email again and you’ll see an email that says “Registration Verification”.

origin birthday promo code - activate email

9) Open the email up and there will be a link that you have to select. After you select that link, you’ll be redirected back to the EA Profile page.

origin birthday promo code - email verified

10) Now all you have to do is wait until your new “Birthday” comes. Usually the Origin Birthday Promo codes come around 2PM or so. If you don’t see anything, don’t forget to check your Spam folder.

origin birthday promo code - coupon email

11) The coupon will look like the following.

origin birthday promo code - coupon code email

This is assuming they haven’t stopped sending out the promo codes.

Click here to sign up for a “new” account at the EA Origin store.

5 thoughts on “Origin Birthday Promo Code Trick Step by Step

  1. Cole

    Is this US Only? I tried it from New Zealand and I didn’t get anything. Any chance you can send me an unused code so I can get BF3 at a reasonable price?

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