Contest – Win a copy of Sanctum

By | August 26, 2011

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It’s contest time. This time 2 copies of Sanctum are up for grabs. This is a really fun indie first person tower of defense game. The co-op mode for this game is amazingly addicting. Last time I played, I hopped in for a quick game but then it ended up lasting like 3 hours!

To enter, all you have to do is leave a comment with the name/kind of mouse pad that you use. If you don’t use a pad you can list that too. If it’s a good one and you can list areason why it’s a good one that would be cool too, but it’s not necessary.

email address

Make sure you enter a valid email account into the email textbox otherwise I won’t be able to contact you.

You have until 6pm EST on Saturday, August 27, 2011 to enter.

One entry per person.


EDIT: Forgot to mention, the winners will be chosen randomly.
EDIT 2: Sanctum uses Steamworks, so you’ll need to have/download Steam.
EDIT 3: There will be 2 winners. One copy per winner.

33 thoughts on “Contest – Win a copy of Sanctum

  1. Anonymous

    I got my mousepad from, back a while ago they had this thing where you could get a free customized mouse pad from them, I customized one and have been using that for everything. It serves me damn well!

  2. Ilucier44

    I just use a piece of fabric that’s been folded over a couple times so it has some thickness to it. I like it because it works better than nothing.

  3. Panz3r88

    I have the mouse pad that they give me when I bought the PC,  I don’t know it’s name because there’s nothing written on it

  4. NalinX

    Have been using Razer Goliathus for a long time now . I remember it was great when I first used it. My previous one ( cheap pc assembler’s gift )  actually resulted in a permanent dark skin patch at the base of my palm. That and months of Diablo 2 ( ah the good ol days ) . Anyhow, Goliathus has a nice surface for optical mice . The surface is not hard to touch , so my palm feels better. Plus its not very XP – about 10 USD worth in my country. I picked up the Fragged Earth or something like that edition – green nuclear waste color splattered on black. Very cool to look at, and doesn’t get damaged when wiped.

  5. Rafaelgerm

    greetings from Brazil,
    visit his site for a long time XD

    My mouse pad is a polar bear made ​​in china
    It cost 50 cents XD

  6. Substrance

    SteelSeries QcK mini because its only 2mm thick and has soft edges. I tried Goliathus for a day and returned it because the edges cut my wrist really bad.

  7. mzlapq

    I don’t use a mouse pad, but after reading about mousepads lately I’m thinking about buying SteelSeries QcK or Razer Sphex.

  8. Rodrigo da Silva Niquele

    I’d like to win, because I’ve heard a lot about this game but I had no opportunity to buy it when it was on sale. I use Multilaser Clone mouse pad.

  9. Anonymous

    I use a Demon: The Fallen mousepad at home, and an Exalted mousepad at work. Both are older White Wolf RPGs.

  10. Bananey

    I use a mouse pad from “Jetline”, a generic brand, but it has wrist support, which I consider necessary.


    I use a OCZ behemoth regulator. It’s awesome because the mouse pad is even bigger than it’s ridiculous name.

  12. Anonymous

    Entries are closed. Thanks for entering. Winners are Rafaelgerm and dykarez. Stay tuned for more contests in the future.

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