New 20% off Voucher Coupon Code For Green Man Gaming

By | July 9, 2011

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There’s a new 20% off Voucher coupon code available for Green Man Gaming (GMG).

The code is FACEB-JULY1-20PEC

It looks like this is some type of Facebook promo and they’re going to post 20% off codes on their facebook page throughout the month of July. You can find the code by liking their Facebook page and clicking on the exclusive tab.

The coupon code won’t work for special offers but it does work on a game that has been marked down. For example, it will work on a pre-order for Deus Ex: Human Revolution. The Regular price for the game is $49.99. However, GMG has it marked down to $44.99. If you use the 20% off voucher, it makes the game only $36.00. The game uses Steamworks too so you can easily activate it on Steam.

There’s another 20% off code that’s advertised directly on their store page.

The code is BEATT-HE20P-ECVAT

Note that GMG is a UK based company so, if your credit card company might charge you a foreign transaction fee. However, if you pay with Paypal or through Paypal you won’t be charged the fees. Or you can also use a CC that doesn’t charge the fee.

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