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Here’s a preview of the upcoming daily deals at the GamersGate / GamersGate UK Square Enix Sale.
75% off the following games:
- Lara Croft & Guardian of Light = $3.74 / £2.49 – Activates on Steam. Great Co-op mode.
- Just Cause = $3.75 / £2.50
- Just Cause 2 = $4.99 / £3.49 – Activates on Steam. (Uses Steamworks.) I played the demo for this and whoa this game kicks ass. I ran out of ammo and I couldn’t figure out how to buy some more and I was just going around throwing people with my grappling hook. Bad ass.
- Batman Arkham Asylum Game of the Year = $7.49 / £3.74 – Games for Windows Live
GamersGate link
GamersGate UK link
Update: The Lara Croft Deal is already active. (Also prices might not be exact because I calculate them manually.)