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Here are the GameFly / GameFly UK deals for 4/16 – 4/22. Your Mileage May Vary (YMMV) because GF sent me the prices but sometimes they’re not even correct!
4/16 – 4/18
Tomb Raider = $33.49 / £19.99 (Steam)
Dead Island GOTY = $6.79 / £6.79 (Steam)
Saints Row: The Third Full Package = $16.99 /£9.99 (Steam)
Metro 2033 = $6.79 / £3.99 (Steam)
4/19 – 4/22
Mass Effect = $4.99 / £4.99
Mass Effect 2 = $4.99 / £4.99 (Activates on Origin)
Mass Effect 3 = $9.99 / £7.99 (Origin)
Dragon Age: Origins = $4.99 / £4.99 (Activates on Origin)
Dragon Age II = $4.99 / £4.99 (Activates on Origin)
Jade Empire: Special Edition = $4.99 [US ONLY]
Don’t forget to use their 20% off coupon for extra savings.
The 20% off coupon code is:
GFDAPR20 – for the US site.
GFDAPR20UK – for the UK site.
The 20% code no longer works since April 12 ;)
They do give you incorrect pricing on some things, don’t they? Metro 2033 and Dead Island GOTY are actually $5 each