Paradox Ultimate Pack, Crusader Kings Complete, More; Amazon

By | January 31, 2013

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The Amazon deals for 1/31 that I posted about yesterday are live.

Note that they’ve ran out of keys for the Ultimate Bundle but they will be getting more in (hopefully) and the deal will be extended an additional day until the end of the day on Saturday. Also the  editor’s choice promo credit will be extended until the end of the day on Saturday for that particular bundle only.

One thought on “Paradox Ultimate Pack, Crusader Kings Complete, More; Amazon

  1. Nerdgirljenn

    Thank you so much for this info.  I had a few credits left over, and Crusader Kings had been on my list for awhile…so I bought the WHOLE thing (need an alka seltzer when I’m done).  But wait, there’s more :D  I went ahead with the Majesty Franchise Pack and I was able to get both with my credit and with Amazon sales…well thank you so much!  Now gotta let my husband know a wee bit gently lol. 

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