GOG: Nordic Games Weekend Promo

By | May 8, 2015

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GOG is running a Nordic Games Weekend Promo to celebrate the re-release of Nordic titles on their site.

Some of the deals are:
Spellforce Platinum $2.49
Spellforce 2: Shadow Wars $2.49
Spellforce 2: Dragon Storm $2.49
Spellforce 2: Demons of the Past $5
Painkiller Black Edition $2.49
The Book of Unwritten Tales $5
The Book of Unwritten Tales: The Critter Chronicles $5
The Raven: Legacy of a Master Thief $6.29
The Black Mirror $2.49
Black Mirror 2 $2.49
Silver $1.49
Red Faction 2 $2.49
Summoner $1.49
Full Spectrum Warrior $2.49
Aquanox $1.49
The Nations Gold Edition $1.49
Alien Nations $1.49
Chaser $1.49
Plus more deals…

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