Demigod $2.49; Paradox Interactive Sale at GameStop

By | August 12, 2013

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Demigod is the daily deal at GameStop for 75% off. There’s also a Paradox Interactive Sale that’s started along with the Valve and Stardock sales already running.

Daily deal for 8/12/13:
Demigod = $2.49 (Steam)

Some highlights from the Paradox Sale:
Cities in Motion 2 = $10 (Steam)
Dungeonland = $5 (Steam)
Impire = $10 (Steam)
Magicka Franchise Bundle = $15 (Steam)
Majesty Franchise Bundle = $20 (Mixed DRM)
March of the Eagles = $10 (Steam)
Night at the Grindhouse = $7.49 (Steam)
Paradox Indie Bundle = $20 (Steam)
Sengoku = $5 (Steam)
Supreme Ruler Cold War = $5
Sword of the Stars II – Enhanced Edition = $10 (Steam)
The Showdown Effect = $5 (Steam)

Click here to see the Paradox and Demigod sales at GameStop.

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