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The Steam Summer Getaway Sale Daily Deals for 7/14 & 7/15 are posted below. Kind of late now but it’s more for archive purposes.
Flash Deals (Expire in 3 hours):
End at 5am EST
Crusader Kings 2 Collection = $20 – includes below:
Crusader Kings 2 = $10
Crusader Kings 2 DLC 75% off.
FEAR Collection = $13.74 – includes below:
FEAR = $5
FEAR 2 = $7.49
FEAR 2 DLC = $5
FEAR 3 = $5
Primal Carnage = $5.09
Primal Carnage DLC 66% off.
Unreal Deal Pack = $10 – includes below:
Unreal Gold = $2.49
Unreal 2 = $3.74
Unreal Tournament GOTY = $2.49
Unreal Tournament 2004 = $3.74
Unreal Tournament 3 = $5
Community’s Choice:
Sale ends at 5am EST
Deus Ex Collection = $6 – includes below:
Deus Ex GOTY = $3.49
Deus Ex Invisible War = $3.49
Deus Ex Human Revolution = $3
Deus Ex Human Revolution DLC 85% off.
7/15 Monday:
Castle Crashers = $3.74
Castle Crashers DLC 75% off.
Dishonored = $10.19
Dishonored DLC 66% off.
Dust An Elysian Tail = $7.49
Killing Floor = $4
Max Payne Complete = $21.23 – includes below:
Max Payne = $2.49
Max Payne 2 = $2.49
Max Payne 3 = $10
Max Payne 3 = $7.49
Reus = $5
Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion = $10
Sins of a Solar Empire Rebellion DLC 50-75% off.
Terraria = $2.49
Wargame Franchise Pack = $22 – includes below:
Wargame European Escalation = $5
Wargame Airland Battle = $20
Warhammer 40K Dawn of War Franchise Pack = $35 – includes below:
Warhammer 40K Dawn of War GOTY = $5
Warhammer 40K Dawn of War Winter Assault = $5
Warhammer 40K Dawn of War Dark Crusade = $5
Warhammer 40K Dawn of War Soulstorm = $5
Warhammer 40K Dawn of War 2 = $5
Warhammer 40K Dawn of War 2 Chaos Rising = $5
Warhammer 40K Dawn of War 2 Retribution = $7.49
Warhammer 40K Dawn of War Retribution DLC 75% off.
7/14 Sunday:
ARMA X = $17 – includes below:
ARMA Gold = $5
ARMA Cold War Assault = $3
ARMA 2 = $4.41
ARMA 2 Operation Arrowhead = $6.79
ARMA 2 DLC $3.05 each
Eador Masters of the Broken World = $12
Fallout 3 GOTY = $5
Fallout New Vegas Ultimate Edition = $5
Hitman Absolution = $6.24
Hitman Absolution DLC = $0.24 each
Kerbal Space program = $13.79 40% off
Portal Bundle = $6.24 75% off – includes below:
Portal = $5
Portal 2 = $5
Remember Me = $30
Sanctum Complete Bundle = $20 – includes below:
Sanctum = $2.49
Sanctum DLC = $1.24 each
Sanctum 2 = $7.49
Sanctum 2 Season Pass = $12
Super Sanctum TD = $1
The Sims 3 = $15
The Sims 3 25-50% off
Total War Grand Master Collection = $41.24 – includes below:
Medieval 2 Total War = $7.49
Rome Total War = $5
Empire Total War = $7.49
Empire Total War DLC 50% off.
Napoleon Total War = $7.49
Napoleon Total War DLC 50% off.
Total War Shogun 2 $7.49 75% off
Total War Shogun 2 DLC 75% off.
Total War Battles Shogun = $2.49
Viking Battle for Asgard = $7.49