The Indie Gala Weekly

By | April 16, 2013

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Looks like the Indie Gala has decided they want to run Weekly Deals also. Every week for the next few weeks at least there will be a new weekly pay what you want deal. Minimum price is $1 if you want Steam and Desura activation keys.

For a minimum of $1.00:
Beat Hazard (Steam, Windows, Mac)
Soulcaster (Desura, Windows) + soundtrack
Soulcaster II (Desura, Windows) + soundtrack

Beat the average (currently $2.52) to get above plus:
Beat Hazard Complete (Steam, Windows, Mac)
Beat Hazard Ultra (Android) – interesting…
Escape Goat (Desura, Windows)

Click here to see the Indie Gala Weekly deal.

BTW sorry for the lack of updates. I’ve been trying to do maintenance on my bike. Right now the oil filter is stuck o_O.

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