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Probably late on these but GMG has some midweek deals going on. Includes a Complete Pack Week sale among others.
Stack with their voucher code GMG20-GGN5D-FC3NA for an extra 20% off.
Complete Packs Sale
Mafia II Complete Pack = $11.65 (Steamworks)
Reverb Pack = $13.99 (Steamworks)
Codemasters Racing Pack = $27.18 (Steamworks)
Operation Flashpoint Pack = $10.19 (Steamworks)
Codemasters Catalogue Pack = $15.28 (Steamworks)
Tropico 4 Collectors Bundle = $9.99 (Steamworks)
Kane and Lynch Pack = $6.99 (Steamworks)
Tomb Raider Collection = $14.99 (Steamworks)
SEGA Retro Bundle = $21.08 (Steamworks)
Dreamcast Collection = $7.49 (Steamworks)
Sonic the Hedgehog Bundle = $26.95 (Steamworks)
Sleeping Dogs Pack = ?? (Not sold in NA)
Total War Grandmaster Collection = $41.24 (Steamworks)
Skydrift Pack = $3.61 (Steamworks)
Binary Domain Complete Pack = $7.24 (Steamworks)
Just Cause Pack = $6.24 (Steamworks)
Bully & Manhunt Pack = $6.24 (Steamworks)
Arcen Games Pack = $4.99 (Steamworks)
Tomb Raider Titles 50% off
Tomb Raider = $24.99 (Steamworks)
Lara Croft And The Guardian Of Light = $3.74 (Steamworks)
Tomb Raider: Anniversary = $3.74
Tomb Raider: Legend = $3.24
Tomb Raider: Underworld = $3.74
Tomb Raider I = $2.49 (Steamworks)
Tomb Raider II = $2.49 (Steamworks)
Tomb Raider III = $2.49 (Steamworks)
Tomb Raider IV: The Last Revelation = $2.49 (Steamworks)
Tomb Raider V: Chronicles = $2.49 (Steamworks)
Tomb Raider VI: The Angel of Darkness = $2.49 (Steamworks)
Midweek deals
Rift = $2.49
RIFT: STORM LEGION Combo Pack = $12.49
RIFT STORM LEGION Expansion = $9.99
The Book of Unwritten Tales – Standard Edition = $4.99 (Steamworks)
The Book of Unwritten Tales: The Critter Chronicles = $6.79 (Steamworks)
The Book of Unwritten Tales: The Critter Chronicles – Deluxe = $8.49 (Steamworks)
Lucius = $6.79