Battlefield 3 $10.00 (75% off) at GameFly. Today Only!

By | October 5, 2012

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Battlefield 3 is on sale for $10.00 (75% off) at GameFly / GameFly UK. The deal will be live today only (10/5/12.)

This game requires Origin.

2 thoughts on “Battlefield 3 $10.00 (75% off) at GameFly. Today Only!

    1. w00py Post author

      It’s possible it’s a regional deal. GameFly did email me about it so I know it should be active at least for NA and the UK site. BF3 is supposed to be $10 on Amazon on Saturday, so you might be able to pick it from there if GF doesn’t work for you. Might be a better deal if the 25% off code is still working at the time.

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