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GameFly / GameFly UK has a Square Enix Weekend Sale going on. In addition the $5 Fridays Deals are up.
Square Enix Sale
- Just Cause 2 = $4.99
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution = $7.49
- Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light = $3.75
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution – The Missing Link DLC = $3.75
- Quantum Conundrum = $3.75
- Dungeon Siege III = $4.99
- Deus Ex: Human Revolution Augmented Edition = $9.99
- Dungeon Siege III: Treasures of the Sun = $2.49
All of the Square Enix games listed above use Steamworks, so Steam activatin is required.
$5 Fridays Deals (Live for 8/31/12 only)
- Torchlight = $5.00
- NBA 2K12 = $5.00
Napoleon: Total War = $5.00 – Steamworks - ArcaniA – Gothic 4 = $5.00
- Dead Space 2 = $5.00 – Can be activated on Origin