St. Paddies Day Sale at OnLive

By | March 16, 2012

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Oh wow I just realized tomorrow is St. Patrick’s Day. Time to pull out my novelty shirts and get drunk off green beer :P.

Anyway, OnLive / OnLive UK is running a St. Paddies Day Sale. Bunch of games are on sale. This is in addition to their 2K Sale that’s currently running.

  • Batman: Arkham City = $25 / £17.49
  • Lord of the Rings: War in the North = $25 / £14.99
  • FEAR 3 = $12.50 / £7.50
  • FEAR 2 = $2.50 / £2.50
  • Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood = $7.50
  • Assassin’s Creed II = $5 / £2.50
  • Deus Ex: Human Revolution Augmented Edition = $20 / £22.49
  • Just Cause 2 = $6.80 / £4.76
  • Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands = $5 / £3.75
  • Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Conviction = $5 / £3.75
  • Call of Juarez: The Cartel = $25 / £5
  • Orcs Must Die = $3.75 / £3
  • Divinity II The Dragon Knight Saga = $10 / £5
  • Braid = $2.50 / £1.62
  • The Ball = $5 / £3.75
  • Royal Envoy = $5 / £3.50
  • Space Pirates and Zombies = $5 / £3.49
  • Amnesia: The Dark Descent = $5 / £3.50
  • Trine = $5 / £3.75
  • Aliens vs. Predator = $5 / £3.75
  • Alpha Protocol = $5 / £3.75
  • Fishdom 2 = $5 / £3.50
  • Kane & Lynch 2: Dog Days = $3.75 / £3
  • Shatter = $2.25/ £1.50

Touch Playable Games:

  • Osmos = $2.50 / £1.62
  • Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light = $3.75 / £2.50
  • Defense Grid Gold = $3.50 / £2.50

It looks like there’s some extra games on sale at the UK site but I’m too lazy to list them out right now. Will update later possibly.

OnLive US Link
OnLive UK Link

2 thoughts on “St. Paddies Day Sale at OnLive

  1. Jesse

    Would any of these games activate in Steam or Origin, any info? :)
    Interested in Splinter Cell Conviction and Kane Lynch 2

    1. w00py Post author

      Hi there. This is actually a cloud gaming service so you don’t actually download the games. You download their client program or use their console system and connect to their servers. You then connect remotely and basically play the game on their computer but it’s displayed on your pc/tv. The service depends a lot on the quality of your connection but it’s great because it scales down based on your computers performance abilities. So I can play games like Arkham Asylum smoothly on my netbook when I’m on the road somewhere. Or I can play on my big screen using their controller. There is some input lag but if your connection is fast enough it’s not really noticeable. You get used to it pretty quickly. If you’ve ever been a High Ping Bastard (HPB) you’ll know what I’m talking about.

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