Gotham City Imposters, Trine, Penny Arcade on Sale at Steam

By | March 29, 2012

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Gotham City Imposters and the Trine Series of games are on sale for 50% off as the Steam Weekend Deal. Penny Arcade is on Sale as the Steam daily deal for 3/29.

Gotham City Impostors = $7.49 / £5.99 / €7.49
Gotham City Impostors DLC is also on sale.

  • This game has a 66/100 metascore.
  • Keep in mind it requires Games For Windows Live (GFWL).
  • Deal ends April 2nd

Trine 2 = $7.49 / £5.99 / €6.49
Trine 2 Collectors Edition = $12.49 / £8.99  / €9.99
Trine = $2 / £1.40 / €1.60

Penny Arcade Adventures: Precipice of Darkness Combo Pack = $2.99 / £2.24 / €2.99

  • Games are not on sale seperately.
  • 77/100 for episode one and 80/100 metascore for episode two.
  • A demo is available for both on Steam


3 thoughts on “Gotham City Imposters, Trine, Penny Arcade on Sale at Steam

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