Current Deals at Green Man Gaming

By | March 16, 2012

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Here are some of the game deals currently going on at Green Man Gaming.

green man gaming

Dungeon Siege III is 75% off for 24 hours, finishing at 1200 GMT March 16th.

  • This game uses Steamworks. Activates on Steam.

Conflict Denied Ops is 75% off for 24 hours, starting from 1200 GMT March 16th, finishing at 1200 GMT March 17th.

Assassins Creed 1 is 60% off until 1400 GMT March 22nd. [ users only]

Mass Effect 3 for 20% off with voucher code NORMA-NDYBA-RGAIN*.

  • Requires Origin.

*This Mass Effect deal is strictly while stocks last, and only available to users in the USA and Canada.

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