Security Concerns

By | February 7, 2012

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Hi there,

A couple of weeks ago I got a warning from AVG (virus scanner) about this site. After I was able to get the warning to display a second time, I was able to verify that there was an injection script that would run and I was able to see an iframe that was embedded on the page . It only occurred on the home page. I took some actions and I think I was able to clear up the issue.

Afterwards I used a couple of tools to scan the site and AVG no longer gives me a warning when I try to load the site. I have a few machines that I tested the site on with varying configurations and they all came up negative also. My cpanel has a built in virus scanner and that also came up negative.

That’s one of the shortcomings with using WordPress to power the site. There’s definitely security concerns and it’s a big target because of it’s wide use. I apologize for any inconvenience.

However, if you do get a warning from your virus scanner please use the email link in the sidebar to contact me or post a comment and I’ll get on it. If you don’t have a virus scanner I recommend AVG or Avast or Microsoft Security Essentials. All three are free.

Sorry if this sounds confusing but I’m battling a cold right now.

3 thoughts on “Security Concerns

  1. dian

    if i’m not mistaken there’s a WordPress plugin for security concern, like scanning, lockout unwanted login etc you should try it out

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