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Activision Quest Games are on sale for 50% off as this weeks GOG Weekend Promo.
Looks like they’re being sold in packs of 2 – 3 games.
King’s Quest 1+2+3 = $4.99
King’s Quest 4+5+6 = $4.99
King’s Quest 7+8 = $4.99
Police Quest 1+2+3+4 = $4.99
Police Quest: SWAT 1+2 = $4.99
Space Quest 1+2+3 = $4.99
Space Quest 4+5+6 = $4.99
I remember how some of these games required you to look something up in the manual to complete a puzzle.
The deal ends on Monday, February 6th at 11.59 a.m. EDT.