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Indie Royale put up their latest indie games bundle. It’s called the Difficult 2nd Bundle. The price goes up the more people buy it. But it also goes down when someone pays an amount that’s more than the current price.
It comes with 4 games.
- NightSky available on: windows, desura, steam
- Fate of the World available on: windows, mac, desura, steam
- Scoregasm available on: windows, mac, linux, desura, steam (windows only)
- Ben There, Dan That! and Time Gentlemen, Please! available on: windows, desura, steam
Current price is $2.60. Buy early and save!
Deal ends in 4 days 23 hours.
Click here to check out the Indie Royale bundle of indie games.
So God Damn Genius!
I bought without even looking at the games haha. I just saw they were on Steam and was only at $3.44. So I I clicked Buy Now.
Aha yeah same here. I’m game hoarder now lol. Even better when they activate on Steam.