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Here are the deals for the Steam Autumn Sale Day 4. Sorry for the of details, I’m out of town currently.
- Kayne & Lynch 2: Dog Days = $3.74
- Worms Reloaded = $6.79
- RAGE = $29.99
- Cities XL 2012 = $19.99
- The Witcher 2: Assassian of Kings = $23.99
- Fear 3 = $19.99
- Overlord Complete Pack = $4.99
- Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Conviction = $4.99
- Payday the Heist = $9.99
- The Polynomial = $2.49
- LIMBO = $2.49
- Civ 5 = $10.19
Disappointing Day :*(
Although Limbo is worth buying.
khm.. Tom clancy Franchise.. include Hawx 1,2