GamesRadar Giving Away Tribes: Ascend Closed Beta Keys

By | November 18, 2011

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The Hi-Rez team posted this info on their Facebook page. GamesRadar is giving away beta keys for the the closed beta of Tribes: Ascend.

tribes ascend

You’ll have to sign up for a GamesRadar account but it’s free.

How to get your beta key

1. Login to If you’re not already a member, click here to register. It only takes a minute.
2. Head to our Tribes: Ascend beta key giveaway page to get your code.
3. Make a note of your code and follow instructions to redeem it and start playing.

I’ve been playing the beta and it’s a lot of fun. Fast and fun aerial battles. Weapon balance might need to work. Vehicle controls are really weird. It’s funny because I’ll hop in a game of BF3/MW3 and I’ll try to ski :P. Might need to hop on a CS:S surf map lol.


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