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The Steam Halloween Sale 2011 has started! Lots of great deals. (ripped from KaotiK on Anandtech btw)
Dead Island $37.49 25% off
Rock of Ages $7.49 25% off
Space Pirates and ZOmbies $11.24 25% off
33% off
Cthulhu Saves The World/Breath of Death VII $2 33% off
Dead Horde $6.69 33% off
Dungeons The Dark Lord $20.09 33% off
40% off
FEAR 3 $29.99 40% off
50% off
Devil May Cry 3 $9.99 50% off
Devil May Cry 4 $9.99 50% off
Ghostbusters Sanctum of Slime $4.99 50% off
Plants vs Zombies $4.99 50% off
Railworks 3 + Zombie DLC $19.99 50% off
Resident Evil 5 $9.99 50% off
Terraria $4.99 50% off
Trapped Dead $4.99 50% off
66% off
Atom Zombie Smasher $3.40 66% off
Burn Zombie Burn $3.40 66% off
Dead Space $6.80 66% off
Dead Space 2 $9.99 66% off
Dungeons $10.19 66% off
FEAR $3.39 66% off
FEAR 2 $6.79 66% off
FEAR 2 DLC $3.39 66% off
Killing Floor $6.79 66% off
Killing Floor DLC $0.67 66% off each
Left 4 Dead GOTY $6.79 66% off
Left 4 Dead 2 $6.79 66% off
Nancy Drew Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake $2.37 66% off
Nation Red $3.40 66% off
SAW $6.79 66% off
Scratches $3.40 66% off
Silent Hill Homecoming $13.59 66% off
Zombie Bowl o Rama $3.40 66% off
75% off
Bioshock $4.99 75% off
Bioshock 2 $4.99 75% off
Borderlands GOTY $7.49 75% off
Borderlands $4.99 75% off
Borderlands DLC $2.49 each 75% off
Borderlands DLC Pack $7.49 75% off
Dark Fall Lost Souls $4.99 75% off
Dracula Origin $4.99 75% off
Ghostbusters The Videogame $2.49 75% off
Ghost Master $1.24 75% off
Haunted House $4.99 75% off
Overlord $1.24 75% off
Overlord Raising Hell $2.49 75% off
Overlord 2 $2.49 75% off
Painkiller Overdose $1.24 75% off
Painkiller Redemption $1.24 75% off
Painkiller Black Edition $2.49 75% off
Painkiller Resurrection $2.49 75% off
Penumbra Black Plague Gold Edition $2.49 75% off
Penumbra Overture $2.49 75% off
RIP Trilogy $1.25 75% off
Sherlock Holmes The Awakened $2.49 75% off
Sherlock Holmes vs Jack the Ripper $4.99 75% off
STALKER Call of Pripyat $3.74 75% off
STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl $4.99 75% off
Vampire The Masquerade Bloodlines $5 75% off
Woody Two Legs Attack of the Zombie Pirates $1.24 75% off
Zombie Driver $2.50 75% off
Zombie Pirates $3.74 75% off
Zombie Shooter $1.24 75% off
Zombie Shooter 2 $2.49 75% off
80% off
Amnesia $4 80% off
Borderlands DLC Pack $7.49 75% off includes
All(4) Borderlands DLC $2.49 each 75% off
Dead Space Pack $16.99 66% off includes
Dead Space $6.80 66% off
Dead Space 2 $9.99 66% off
FEAR Collection $6.79 66% off includes
FEAR $3.39 66% off
FEAR 2 $6.79 66% off
FEAR 2 DLC $3.39 66% off
FEAR Extraction Point
FEAR Perseus Mandate
Killing Floor Bundle $10.17 66% off includes
Killing Floor $6.79 66% off
Killing Floor DLC $0.67 66% off each
Overlord Complete Pack $4.99 75% off includes
Overlord $1.24 75% off
Overlord Raising Hell $2.49 75% off
Overlord 2 $2.49 75% off
Painkiller Complete Pack $4.99 75% off includes
Painkiller Overdose $1.24 75% off
Painkiller Redemption $1.24 75% off
Painkiller Black Edition $2.49 75% off
Painkiller Resurrection $2.49 75% off
Penumbra Collection $4.99 75% off includes
Penumbra Black Plague Gold Edition $2.49 75% off
Penumbra Overture $2.49 75% off
Railworks 3 + Zombie DLC $19.99 50% off includes
Railworks 3 $39.99
Railworks 3 Trans vs Zombies DLC $4.99
STALKER Bundle $8.74 includes
STALKER Call of Pripyat $3.74 75% off
STALKER Shadow of Chernobyl $4.99 75% off