Oblivion Game of the Year Edition Deluxe: $8.25/£6.55 at D2D

By | July 5, 2011

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Direct2Drive and Direct2Drive UK have  The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion Game of the Year Edition Deluxe on sale for 66% off today as part of their 31 Days of Deals Summer Game Sale.

Steam had this game on sale for $6.80 on Day 1 of their Summer Camp Sale, however, that deal has expired. Keep in mind, the last day is usually a repeat of some of the daily deals so it could go on sale again.

If you don’t want to risk it not coming back on Steam, I’d pick it up now because the D2D deal ends tomorrow around 1pm EST.

Besides this Oblivion deal the rest of the deals are snoozers so I don’t recommend any of them. So far, the D2D sale hasn’t been that good at all.  Maybe when the Steam sale ends will their deals look any good but by then everyone will have a nice backlog of games to play.

$2 Tuesday deals are up also.

As usual, the offers are on casual games.

Update: Hmm, apparently Steam had the GOTY Deluxe edition for $8.50, which was what D2D had theirs priced. But then they updated it to $8.25 so this is actually $.25 cheaper than Steam’s price was. In addition Total War: Shogun 2 is only $29.95, whereas Steam has it for ~$33. Shogun 2 uses Steamworks so it activates on Steam.

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